Ray Smith looks back on teaching career spanning three decades
After a teaching career spanning more than three decades, Air Ronge’s Ray Smith hopes young people see the value in a post-secondary education.
“I used to go to my classroom at 6 a.m.,” he said. “That’s how it went at NORTEP (Northern Teachers Education Program), too. I would go there early just to sit around and think about what I’m going to be doing for the day.”
Smith was born in Île-à-la-Crosse, raised in Pinehouse Lake and graduated from La Ronge’s Churchill Community High School in 1976. Back then, Smith originally wanted to become a social worker because there was a push for northerners with those skills at the time. He began pursing a Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies, but later shifted his focus to education and was accepted as a student in the NORTEP program in the 1980s. Smith earned an arts degree, as well as a Bachelor of Education, in 1989.