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The new garbage truck should be in use some time this month. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
waste removal

New garbage truck arrives in Air Ronge

Jul 12, 2019 | 12:03 PM

Residents of Air Ronge should be aware of the new rules regarding garbage collection in the village.

A new garbage truck arrived in the community last week, which Foreman Sterling Ulriksen stated should be on the road some time this month. The $230,000 vehicle includes a mechanical arm lift and each household will receive a compatible garbage can free of cost likely next Tuesday. Ulriksen noted garbage collection will also become a job for one employee instead of two, and the process should be more efficient and quicker.

“It will be one man in the operator’s seat and he will have cameras to see what is going on,” he said. “As long as the cans are in the right spot, he should be able to reach them and carry on.”

Residents should be aware the new cans are meant to be placed at the end of their driveway by 8 a.m. on Tuesdays and be brought back to the house after the bin is empty. There should also be a three-foot clearance on each side to ensure the automated arm can reach out and grab the can. Cans must be placed completely on the roadside with the wheels and handles facing your house.

The costs to replace a missing or broken can is $120 plus taxes and residents are being asked to wash out their old cans for collection. The new cans hold 95-gallons and are bigger than the old ones. If residents have more questions about the garbage collection process, there will be flyers included in utility bills.

“They are to bring the can out to the road edge, then take it back to their house when it’s not pick-up day,” Ulriksen said. “We could be driving along and, if everyone leaves them on the side, we’ll assume there is garbage in it and we could be picking up an empty can. That’s extra wear and tear, and it just looks nicer when it’s pulled to your house.”

Ulriksen added the old garbage truck won’t be sold as it could be used as a back-up in case any issues arise with the new truck.

Twitter: @saskjourno