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Pride Day was held in La Loche last week. (CHPN Radio/Facebook)
Be Proud

Pride Day celebrated in La Loche

Jul 15, 2019 | 5:00 PM

Love is love – that was the message at the third annual Pride Day hosted by La Loche Two-Spirited Unity Inc.

The event was held July 12 and organizer Ashley Janvier stated approximately 200 residents participated. The day included a Community Pride Walk from PR Service to the La Loche Friendship Centre, and ended with a barbecue and group pictures. Janvier noted Pride Day was to allow LGBTQ residents to feel more comfortable about themselves and to see there are fellow residents who support them.

“The Pride Walk turned out to be really amazing,” Janvier, who launched the event in 2016, said. “I organized this Pride Parade with the help my brother Ashton. We went around town looking for donations and we got a lot of help from the town, which was amazing.”

Janvier added he was happy to see the La Loche RCMP assist with Pride Day, as well as the attendance of Mayor Robert St. Pierre at the barbecue. He believes having so many people attend the event shows others there is support for the LGBTQ movement. Many of the supplies used during the day such as food and beverages were donated to the event.

“This community is getting bigger and bigger, and more supportive,” Janvier said.

Ashley Janvier has organized Pride Day since 2016. (submitted photo/Ashley Janvier)

Near the end of June, a Pride Parade was also held in La Ronge which was attended by hundreds of people. La Ronge Mayor Ron Woytowich, Lac La Ronge Indian Band Chief Tammy Cook-Searson and Cumberland NDP MLA Doyle Vermette were all in attendance.

La Ronge and the Lac La Ronge Indian Band also flew the pride flag, while Air Ronge councillors endorsed rainbow crosswalks.

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