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From left, Russell Clunie Jr., Jayson Clunie, Ken Burkosky and Gord Broda of B&B Construction Group. (submitted photo/Jim Pattison Children's Hospital Foundation)

P.A. company gives big boost to Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital

Aug 2, 2019 | 5:00 PM

A generous gift from a Prince Albert company will make a substantial difference for Saskatchewan Children.

According to the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation (JPCHF) website, B&B Construction has gifted $250,000 to support the Pediatric Occupational Therapy Treatment and Splinting Room at Saskatchewan’s first dedicated maternal and children’s hospital.

“Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital will be a place where fear associated with medical procedures will be reduced, and kids can receive the care they need close to home,” said Brynn Boback-Lane, president and CEO of the JPCHF in a news release.

Russell Clunie Jr., Jayson Clunie, Ken Burkosky and Gord Broda of B&B Construction Group said they were excited and proud to be able to make the commitment and donation.

“In making this donation, we feel the children’s hospital is a long needed and fantastic addition to our province which will serve and support many children and families throughout Saskatchewan as well as our own community here in Prince Albert,” said B&B Construction Group partner Russell Clunie Jr.,” in the release.

A child’s ability to perform tasks typical for their age will be assessed in the treatment and splinting room. According to the JPCHF website, children who have experienced an injury or weakness may require splints or other specialized equipment to help their bodies achieve desired positions, provide protection and assist with their recovery and function.

B&B Construction Group’s donation support the ‘We Are Saskatchewan’ capital campaign for the JPCHF, which has raised $68 million towards a minimum goal of $75 million.

The Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital is scheduled to open in this fall.

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