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A letter from Northern Medical Services states there is a severe doctor shortage in La Ronge. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
health services

NMS expects ‘severe’ doctor shortage in La Ronge to continue for up to a year

Nov 29, 2019 | 12:21 PM

Northern Medical Services (NMS) expects the La Ronge Medical Clinic will continue to have a severe shortage of doctors for the next six to 12 months.

That’s according to a recent letter addressed to the public, which states the doctor shortage has been ongoing for more than a year and has significantly impacted its ability to meet the demand for patient care. The letter mentions the emergency department has become quite busy as many patients do not want to wait for a walk-in appointment, or are told there a no clinic openings for the day and end up at the emergency room.

“With the average wait at our walk-in clinic being two to four hours, we can definitely sympathize with the desire to attend the emergency department for care,” the letter reads. “However, because we are the only physician clinic within a 250-kilometer radius, there is very little we can do to increase our services without an increase in the number of doctors locally.”

The letter states staff have been working hard to find solutions. In the meantime, the public is asked to be sure when they are going to the emergency department, it is for emergency medical care only. Those going to the emergency without such issues can increase the risk to those who have an actual emergency as there can be a significant delay in assessment. There is only a single nurse and one doctor working at the emergency department at any time of the day.

“We are asking for the community’s help in addressing our critical doctor shortage by requesting that patients not attend the clinic or the hospital for minor health issues that can potentially be managed at home,” the letter states. “Please also remember that our community pharmacists can manage many common medical conditions directly without the need to see a doctor.”

An email to larongeNOW from the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) states the authority is working with NMS in recruitment efforts to find doctors. It notes some of the current vacancies have been created by physicians who have taken a leave of absence for personal reasons. The email also mentions NMS is currently recruiting to fill two vacancies of a total funded complement of 13 doctors and to cover the leave of absences of three physicians. During this period, the vacancies have been covered by locum physicians, most of whom have experience working in northern Saskatchewan.

“The SHA works with NMS, which operates the La Ronge Medical Clinic,” the email reads. “This includes work to ensure medical coverage for the La Ronge Health Centre’s emergency department and in-patient units.”

The SHA is also working with NMS to assess the current and future medical services needs for region. The email states there are challenges in recruiting and retaining physicians in communities throughout the province.

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