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This could be the new location of Scattered Site in La Ronge. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
social services

Downtown property owners opposed to relocation of Scattered Site

Aug 25, 2020 | 4:39 PM

Several downtown business owners, landlords and a councillor do not want to see the Scattered Site Outreach Program relocated to a building along La Ronge Avenue.

At an upcoming regular council meeting Wednesday, a vote will be held in order to approve a zoning change requested by Kikinahk Friendship Centre to move Scattered Site to another location about two blocks away. As the change was subjected to public notice, letters of opposition were received by ownership at Electric Waves Ltd., Robertson Trading Ltd., Rona and Waterbase Inn.

Residents including Bradley Morin, Michael Vancoughnett, as well as Coun. Dallas Everest and La Ronge and District Chamber of Commerce President Crystal Everest, also submitted opposition letters.

“I strongly feel that placing a shelter in a highly valued commercial and business district will potentially decrease property values, reduce sales for current businesses and deter future development of retail space,” the letter from the Everests states. “We need to sustain, promote and develop our largest retail businesses and utilize our lakefront and lakeview properties to drive not only our local economics, but our tourism industry.”

The letter notes business owners downtown have had challenges with local panhandlers, noting if the shelter or any other social service organizations are placed in the area, it could push out current businesses and potential developments.

In an interview with larongeNOW, Crystal Everest explained she and her husband are personally against the move for a number of reasons. The couple own property along the street and would like to see the commercial district used for attracting and expanding businesses. Everest stated La Ronge Avenue includes high foot and tourism traffic, as well as generates large number of sales.

“In my mind, [on] La Ronge Avenue, you’re not encompassing that safe environment that maybe an individual that is seeking a temporary shelter would utilize,” she said. “I would like to see it closer to the new mental health facility that’s being developed. Maybe closer to the hospital where you’re more accessible to programs and services.”

As for the Chamber of Commerce, Everest mentioned the executive met today and have decided to release a survey to members likely some time this week. The survey will include questions about zoning, support for a shelter, ideal locations for one and more. Everest noted the survey will be released via email and social media.

La Ronge Mayor Ron Woytowich, who submitted the application on behalf of Kikinahk, won’t be able to vote during Wednesday’s meeting. He explained moving Scattered Site to the new building makes sense because, while the current location can still be used for mental health and addiction services, it can no longer be used as a temporary shelter.

“The building is not proper for that,” Woytowich said. “The permission to operate it as that expired as well and, without a lot of work to the building, there’s no guarantee it would meet all the standards.”

The current location has several deficiencies, he noted, such as a lack of heating and air conditioning, no proper ventilation, as well as issues with ground water flooding. The organization has also outgrown the space throughout the years as staff began offering more services.

Woytowich mentioned if Kikinahk owned its own building for Scattered Site, they would be eligible to apply for grants to cover such upgrades. Kikinahk currently rents the space Scattered Site utilizes.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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