Social programs a focus for Athabasca Green Party candidate
A man who develops social programs for communities through his company BURN Youth has been tapped by the Green Party to run in the Athabasca constituency.
Originally from Beauval, but a current resident of Meadow Lake, Leroy Laliberte said he has always been somewhat politically involved, but it’s always been in the background. It’s his first time running for a seat as an MLA, but he noted it’s not the first time he’s been asked.
“This time around I had the Green Party giving me the opportunity to do that, and I do kind of really enjoy the things that they stand for and it gives a person as a candidate room for growth,” Laliberte said. “There’s not a set political platform, they are willing to work with the candidate to make the best for their area.”
Laliberte will be campaigning against current NDP MLA Buckley Belanger, who has been in his position since 1995, along with Saskatchewan Party candidate Kelly Kwan. Laliberte explained he doesn’t have anything bad to say about Belanger, noting he has done a good job in the region, He added, however, there seems to be too much bickering in the Legislative Assembly and not much is being done as a result.