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There is a nine-hole golf course at Eagle Point Resort. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
Summer Sport

Golf season coming to an end in La Ronge

Oct 1, 2020 | 5:01 PM

It was a challenging season for golf at Eagle Point Resort this summer as between 12 to 15 tournaments or other sporting events were cancelled due to the coronavirus.

Owner Lolita Poirier explained it was a somewhat quieter season as events like the Ivan Goertzen Memorial Golf Tournament or La Ronge Ice Wolves Annual Golf Tournament didn’t take place. She noted there was also a complete stop to banquets, meetings and weddings, which also brings in revenue and guests to the resort.

As part of the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan, golf courses were permitted to operate May 15, as long as social distancing and other coronavirus measures were met. At the same time, Highway 2 was closed to all incoming, non-essential traffic with restrictions on outgoing traffic as well.

“It started off very busy at the beginning of the season,” Poirier said. “There were lots of new memberships and I seen more couples coming out, which again is people trying to stick in their own bubble. Our guidelines weren’t too much more than common sense like wash your hands, stay socially distant and there wasn’t sharing of carts at the beginning, but that loosened up.”

Tee times at the golf course were also closely monitored and software was purchased to enable golfers to book their times online. Poirier added golfers could only show up when expected, noting there weren’t any shotgun starts or gatherings at the end.

Poirier was still able to organize mens, ladies and couples nights throughout the week, but the junior program didn’t happen. If the coronavirus is still an issue next spring, Poirier said they’ve learned enough to host a program that is safe and will be comfortable with parents.

“We just want everybody to know we are grateful for the season and for respecting the guidelines we had to maintain our business,” she said “Everyone was super and I think it was a good summer.”

Those looking to golf before the season ends still have until Sunday to do so at Eagle Point. After that, work will begin to make the course ready for winter.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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