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Ducharme Elementary Community School was previously on the list of provincial funding considerations, but was approved for replacement last year. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
school replacements

NLSD submits major capital wish list to province

Feb 26, 2021 | 5:00 PM

The Northern Lights School Division (NLSD) has sent a list of major capital projects to the provincial government for consideration.

School divisions across Saskatchewan are required to submit such a list to the Ministry of Education annually to be considered for the following year’s budget. At a regular NLSD board meeting held Feb. 19 and 20, members prioritized three schools that are in need of replacement in the coming years.

Those schools in order of priority are Sandy Bay’s Hector Thiboutot Community School, Pinehouse Lake’s Minahik Waskahigan High School and La Ronge’s Pre-Cam Community School. Pre-Cam is also in need of mechanical upgrades.

“That’s just based on the assessments that we do as a school division, then we submit our choices based on those assessments to the ministry,” NLSD director of education Jason Young said.

On average, Young explained the division is approved to replace one school every 10 years. In June 2020, it was announced the province committed funds to replace Ducharme Elementary Community School in La Loche.

That school is currently experiencing a number of inefficiencies or problems in the heating and energy system, water and sewer lines and major ground disturbances. Portables added to the building are also in poor repair.

“That work is underway and we’re looking at seeing a new school up there by the fall of 2023,” Young said.

Pre-Cam Community School, which is third on the list of provincial funding considerations, is for students between Kindergarten and Grade 6. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)

Even though La Ronge, Pinehouse Lake and Sandy Bay schools were named as priorities, Young mentioned the list could change in the coming years depending on the rate of building deterioration at other schools. For instance, a major issue could arise which would affect the urgency in which schools need to be replaced.

Board members also discussed at the meeting the need for a partial roof replacement at La Ronge’s Churchill Community High School. While most of the school is new with work completed in 2015, a 38-year-old section of the roof from the former structure needs to be changed.

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