Ty’s House serves as memorial for fondly remembered young man
The memory of a young man who touched the hearts of many tri-community residents will be honoured and remembered for decades to come.
Staff with NorthSask Special Needs, along with the family and friends of the late Tyler Murray, came together recently to formally name a new group home as Ty’s House. Murray, who was raised in Air Ronge, was to be one of the first residents to move in, but he became ill in 2020 and passed away in March.
“He attended our day program for several years and he was planning to move into the group home,” NorthSask executive director Mel Norris said. “That day never came. With his family’s blessing and after discussion with the staff … it was decided Ty’s House would be a way to honour him and remember him.”
A unique sign was crafted by Greg Lobb with Mosquito Workshop, who donated his time and materials. It features Murray’s signature and is a special touch appreciated by all who attended the ceremony.