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Annual Harvest Plans 2022 (Submitted photo/Sakaw Askiy )
Sakaw Askiy

Sakaw Askiy Management Inc. Annual Harvest Plans 2022

Oct 15, 2021 | 6:00 AM

Sakaw Askiy Management is seeking feedback on the Forest Operating Plan being developed for the Prince Albert Timber Supply Area. The Operating Plan focuses in detail on proposed harvesting and road construction activities for 2022 (Year 1) which are the areas for which approval to harvest is being requested. Many more years’ worth of harvesting are also shown as future areas, for informational purposes and to initiate discussion.

This long-term plan drives what happens on the ground in the Operating Plans. (Submitted photo/Dunkley Lumber & Sakaw Askiy)

Lines of communication with people in this forest area are always open but are especially important at this time of year when the next year’s plans are being prepared. Residents have an opportunity to share information about their own land uses as well as their knowledge of the land, and this helps the organization to prepare plans that work better for everyone.

General Manager Diane Roddy said public engagement at this point in the plan developmental stage is crucial. “We’re open to revising our draft plans after hearing feedback from people,” she said. “We want to be respectful of others that are also out there using the land, especially when harvesting gets close to communities and people’s homes.”

One of Many Operating Plan Maps 2021 plan. (Submitted photo/Sakaw Askiy )

Draft maps for the first year of the plan can be accessed by going to the ‘What’s New’ section of the Sakaw website. There, the public will have the ability to review the draft maps for their area of interest.

“We already have a lot of information about things like trails, cabins, wildlife features and important areas for harvesting non-timber forest products like berries and mushrooms. However we don’t necessarily know everyone who’s out there and would like to hear from people who might be affected by forest operations.”

“We can do things like avoid crossing a trail, put a buffer around a cabin, or protect wildlife calving sites and salt licks from harvesting.”

Roddy explained the Operating Plan is driven by a long-term Forest Management Plan that outlines how the forests in the Prince Albert Timber Supply Area will be managed until March 31, 2038. This includes strategies for how wildlife and biodiversity will be protected, and the calculation of the sustainable wood supply for the next 200 years.

Timber Supply Area will be managed until March 31, 2038. (Submitted photo/Dunkley Lumber)

“This long-term plan drives what happens on the ground in the Operating Plans”, Roddy stated. It is available from the home page of Sakaw’s website by clicking on the ‘Forest Management Plan” link. Annual performance reports can also be found there. These reports allow Sakâw, the provincial government and the public to assess how the big picture plan for this forest area is being implemented and whether expected outcomes for the forest are being achieved. Any questions can be directed to

Anyone who would like to discuss the draft Operating Plan maps for next year is asked to email at their earliest convenience with the name of the map or area they would like to discuss and their contact information.

A planner will then contact the individual(s) to arrange a discussion either in a one-on-one online meeting or phone call, an online meeting with a small group, or a small field tour that adheres to the current public health guidelines.

Calculation of the sustainable wood supply for the next 200 years. (Submitted photo/Sakaw Askiy )

Those who plan on reviewing the maps are being advised that significantly more area is shown in Year 1 than will actually be harvested in 2022. The maps display a larger region because they include contingency areas so there is flexibility to move the harvest location in response to things like bad weather, wildfires and changing markets for forest products.

Sakaw Askiy Management Inc.holds the PA FMA on behalf of Shareholders who harvest wood from the area. Shareholders are Agency Chiefs (AC) Forestry, Carrier Forest Products, Edgewood Forest Products (Dunkley Lumber), Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp, Montreal Lake Business Ventures, NorSask Forest Products, and Tolko Meadow Lake OSB Division. The wood goes to forest products mills located in Meadow Lake, Big River, Glaslyn, Carrot River and various smaller mills run by independent operators.

*This content was created by paNOW’s commercial content division.