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Georgina Jolibois is the current mayor of La Loche. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW staff)

Jolibois wins Athabasca NDP nomination

Dec 17, 2021 | 4:50 PM

The Saskatchewan NDP have named La Loche mayor and former MP Georgina Jolibois as candidate for the Athabasca byelection.

Jolibois is running against political newcomer Darwin Roy in a provincial riding previously held by long-time MLA Buckley Belanger. She was chosen by NDP members in a nomination conducted via online and phone voting.

“Having served my community of La Loche for over 20 years, I have seen first-hand the impact of this Sask. Party government’s inaction to address key issues,” Jolibois said in a media release issued Friday. “The ongoing housing crisis in La Loche and all of northwest Saskatchewan has only been made worse by the heartless introduction of income assistance changes. Instead of helping us, the Sask. Party has simply created another problem.”

Currently in her fifth term as mayor of La Loche, Jolibois was an NDP MP from 2015 to 2019. While in Ottawa, she sponsored a private member’s bill for a new holiday which eventually became the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation first celebrated Sept. 30 this year.

Jolibois is a member of the Clearwater River Dene Nation in northern Saskatchewan.

“The Athabasca constituency will be well-served with a proven and experienced leader like Georgina,” said NDP Leader Ryan Meili. “Her service to her community as a mayor and a member of Parliament is exactly the experience and expertise that the people of northwest Saskatchewan need from their MLA. With her proven track record, I know she will be an outstanding representative for northwest Saskatchewan, and a wonderful addition to our NDP team.”

Twitter: @saskjourno

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