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Approximately $50,000 has been donated to community causes since August. (Facebook/La Ronge Elks)

La Ronge Elks Club boosts donations in 2023 thanks to ‘top fair’ in July

Dec 20, 2023 | 4:45 PM

An especially lucrative 2023 La Ronge Elks Fair has allowed the volunteer organization to spread quite a bit of cheer in recent months.

That’s according to Elks Exulted Ruler Shea Duncan, who explained the club did quite well this year, mostly due to the success of the Elks Fair held in July. The three-day event is a major fundraising opportunity for the Elks, as well as the La Ronge Ice Wolves.

The Elks Fair is a major event and draws in people from surrounding communities. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)

Organizers estimated about 15,000 people attended the fair in 2023.

“We’ve given away more this year than in past years just because this year we had a banner year at the fair. The fair was the top fair we’ve ever had,” Duncan said.

“We had excellent weather. We really appreciate the continued support from the tri-community. The fair gives us the ability to give out donations throughout the year and it also helps us pay for club dues and those pieces, and it also help us keep the Elks Hall in Air Ronge viable and afloat.”

Donations since August have included $18,000 to NorthSask Special Needs for the purchase of a wheelchair accessible van, $10,000 to the Lac La Ronge Food Bank (plus 415 pounds of food), as well as $10,000 for the Tri-Community Dance Club. Approximately $10,000 also went to the La Ronge Ice Wolves for a player’s lounge and games, and $2,400 went to the La Ronge Childcare Cooperative.

“We were down in the park too. We like doing things that are giving back a little bit,” Duncan said.

“Two weekends ago, we partnered with the Chamber of Commerce and the Town of La Ronge at the Christmas Tree Lighting. We handed out hotdogs and hot chocolates and mandarin oranges and marshmallows and that kind of thing to give back to the community and support an event.”

Duncan noted the Elks Hall continues to be busy with the dance club utilizing it sometimes three days per week. It also hosted meetings, birthdays and a few Christmas parties this year.

The club itself consists of about 35 members, of whom 25 are fairly active. Duncan added the club has seen some growth in recent years and continues to have wide support in the tri-communities.

“We are always open to requests for community pieces if there is a cause that can use a donation,” he said. “I know one of the pieces is we have a request in now for the long-term care facility. We will be looking at that at our next meeting.”