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There will be no dedicated services for homeless people in La Ronge as of June 28. (Photo 40995064 © Katarzyna Bialasiewicz |
free meals

Local residents step up to feed homeless in light of Scattered Site closure

Jun 27, 2024 | 4:00 PM

With the Scattered Site Outreach Program set to close its doors on Friday, local residents are taking it upon themselves to ensure homeless individuals don’t go unfed.

It was announced earlier this month that Kikinahk Friendship Centre, which has been operating a facility in downtown La Ronge for many years, would not be continuing the service. The reasons cited by management were because of too much opposition towards its location and the services being provided.

One resident stepping up to help is Patty Howe, who recently launched a Facebook page called ‘Feeding the Homeless’ with the hope that other residents will want to join her cause.

“About a month ago, I decided to step up and help our less fortunate out and provide meals for them on the weekends when I am off work,” she said.

“I have been holding the meals at the urban reserve, but I mainly do this as there are lots of them who are homeless and living on the streets and don’t have meals provided to them daily.”

Howe explained she felt crushed when she learned Scattered Site would be closing as of June 28. Inspired by the closure, she has begun providing meals such as chili, pizza, neckbones, caesar salad and bannock. This Saturday, she has plans on providing a meal of hamburger soup, bannock, water and pop.

She estimates between 40 to 50 people have been coming to the urban reserve for the free meals, noting on some days, it has been even more.

“I have had nothing but excellent support from community members wanting to help out with donations of both food and money,” she added.

“The homeless are always so appreciative of the meals, some even give me a big hug and tell me how much it means to them to have a home-cooked meal made with love.”

The Saskatchewan Health Authority specifically funded Scattered Site to deliver mental health, addictions assistance and referrals for La Ronge’s at-risk population. The Ministry of Social Services, Métis Nation—Saskatchewan and the Friendship Centres of Canada were also funding an overnight shelter that typically operated from October to the end of April.

There has been no update as to whether any other local organizations are going to take over from Kikinhak to offer these services.

larongeNOW reached out to Kikinahk board chair Danielle DeBruyne about the closure of Scattered Site, but did not hear back by time of publishing.

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