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Churchill advises parents on new cellphone policy rules

Sep 3, 2024 | 4:10 PM

La Ronge’s Churchill Community High School is shedding light on how staff will implement the provincial government’s new restrictions on personal electronic devices (PED).

In a notice issued to parents and guardians on social media, it explains PEDs are not to be used by students during instructional time. During class time, they should remain off and stored away unless a teacher has specifically asked for them to be used for an exempted task.

In addition, PEDs should also only be used in public spaces or hallways before school starts, during breaks, lunch and after school.

“Keep your phones, tablets and other PEDs off and stored away during class time,” the directive states.

“Don’t use PEDs in private spaces like washrooms, changing rooms or counselling areas. If your teacher needs you to use a PED for a specific lesson, they’ll ask for approval from the principal. You’ll use your PED only for that lesson.”

If the guidelines are not followed, there will be consequences depending on how many times the use of PEDs has become an issue. During the first instance, the student will be asked to store the device in a location designated by a teacher, and during the second instance, the PED will be given to an administrator and kept for the school day.

A third instance will result in the PED being kept by an administrator until a parent or guardian picks it up. If it continues to be an issue after those three steps, there will be parent communication and meetings to discuss appropriate use and expectations of the school policy.

Principals are to ensure fair application of the rules, address special requests with empathy and handle any issues with sensitivity. Teacher should be clear about the rules, model good device use, and help students understand their purpose.

The provincial government believes limiting cell phones in classrooms will allow students to be more engaged with their teachers and stay focused on learning the skills and knowledge they need to reach their potential.

Stanley Mission’s Rhoda Hardlotte Memorial Keethanow High School will also be following the policy. larongeNOW reached out to Lac La Ronge Indian Band director of education Michelle McCallum in regards to other band schools, but didn’t receive a response by publishing.

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