A look at the new faces in Justin Trudeau’s cabinet
OTTAWA — A look at the new faces in Justin Trudeau’s cabinet:
Rachel Bendayan, official languages minister and associate minister of public safety: A Montreal MP first elected in 2019. Built a legal practice, specializing in international trade law, and taught at the Université de Montréal.
Élisabeth Brière, national revenue minister: A Sherbrooke, Que., MP first elected in 2019. Worked as a notary for nearly 30 years, focusing on human rights, real estate and mediation, and lectured at the Université de Sherbrooke.
Terry Duguid, sport minister and minister responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada: A Winnipeg MP first elected in 2015. Has background in civic government, business and environmental issues. Winnipeg city councillor from 1989 to 1995. An avid sports fan, he is son of two-time world curling champion and broadcaster Don Duguid.