Frozen artwork showcases lake trout emerging from waves
A snow sculpture celebrating the beauty of northern Saskatchewan is the newest addition to Patterson Park.
Renowned Saskatoon-based snow artist Theressa Wright and her husband Terry Ouellette arrived in La Ronge on Friday to begin the artwork. It took the couple 18 hours each to create and they’ve given it the name Dream Catch. It showcases a trout emerging out of some waves.
“We looked up La Ronge a bit and we know we were situated in front of the lake and we hope people catch some big lake trout here,” Wright said. “We kind of heard that was the case, so that’s where the idea came from.”
With above zero temperatures expected this week, the sculpture will begin to lose some details due to the warm weather. Wright explained they built it bulkier to last longer, but the sun will eventually eat it away and the design will smooth out.