Trapper hired to remove beavers by Studer Street
Beavers and muskrats are causing havoc to the town’s drainage system near Studer Street and Riese Drive.
La Ronge manager of public works and utilities Stacia Selinger explained it is a common occurrence for beavers and muskrats to cause water issues at this time of year. The resulting beaver dams north of Riese Drive is causing water in the area to back up and, subsequently, flood yards.
“We kind of monitor it until the dam stops being built,” Selinger said. “Basically, the trapper will trap whatever is in there whether it’s muskrats or beavers, and we go in with equipment and dismantle the dam. Usually what happens is the dam is back by the next day, so we just continue doing that until we’ve seen an improvement of not having to go back.”
In order to eliminate the dams, the municipality has hired a trapper who will be using live traps to collect the rodents. Selinger noted residents should be cautious around the traps, adding they could be a particular hazard to children and pets. Those using the area will notice signage and they should abide all warnings.