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Air Ronge and North Municipal Services have both agreed to boost recreational funding to the Town of La Ronge. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
cost sharing

NMS to boost recreational contribution to access municipal services

Jun 13, 2024 | 1:22 PM

The Town of La Ronge is set to enter into a two-year recreation contribution agreement with Northern Municipal Services (NMS) in the amount of $59,229 for 2024 and $60,709 in 2025.

A motion to do so passed at a regular council meeting earlier this week with all members voting to accept a proposal submitted by NMS.

NMS provides an annual financial contribution toward the municipal’s provision of recreation services and facilities to the region. The amount of the contribution for the past few years has been approximately $20,000.

NMS represents approximately 5.85 per cent of the population served by recreation services and the amounts proposed for 2024 and 2025 for the new recreation contribution agreement is consistent with the NMS’s per capita portion of the town’s net recreation costs.

In an email to town council from NMS executive director Brad Henry, he stated he will be meeting with his team this week to complete a review of the proposed agreement.

“As we discussed at the meeting with the Minister of Government Relations during the SUMA convention, NMS is prepared to support La Ronge and our partner communities in the development [of a] new approach to delivering regional services that meets the shared interests of our communities and our residents,” the email noted.

Last month, the municipality successfully convinced Air Ronge council to boost its contribution towards regional recreation as well. Air Ronge was paying $20,000 per year, but that’s been boosted to $85,000.

Air Ronge’s per capita cost, however, is closer to $139,000.

La Ronge Mayor Joe Hordyski is pleased with the administration’s efforts on the issue.

“Our administration was very proactive in basically selling a fair contribution, so thanks for going out there and doing that. It is much appreciated,” he said at a recent council meeting.

The town is not pursuing a similar agreement with the Lac La Ronge Indian Band as they also have recreational services and facilities that are regularly accessed by municipal residents.

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