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LLRIB members celebrated for success at special ceremony

Mar 26, 2018 | 5:00 PM

A school principal, RCMP officer, lawyer, firefighter and army veteran were just some of those honoured over the weekend at the first-ever Recognition Ceremony and Supper.

Organized by the Lac La Ronge Indian Band, 35 members were formally celebrated for being role models in the three categories of youth, career, and community. The role models hailed from a variety of places including Grandmother’s Bay, La Ronge, Little Red River, Morin Lake, Prince Albert, Stanley Mission and Sucker River.

“We wanted to make sure we included all of our six communities, as well as our band members who live off-reserve,” Chief Tammy Cook-Searson said. “It’s a really good feeling to be able to highlight the successes and all the work our band members are doing within their own communities.”

Work on the ceremony began two years ago when Amanda Roberts was hired to begin the process of finding role models, Cook-Searson said. Roberts reached out to various individuals, band departments and schools to find those who were qualified, before traveling to the communities to formally meet with them. Cook-Searson said one of her favourite aspects of the project was the creation of posters which each have a photo of the role model and a quote.

While the band members celebrated this year were found through word-of-mouth, Cook-Season said the process will likely be opened to the public in 2019 so everyone can have a chance to nominate deserving role models.

“It turned out way better than I could have imagined,” Cook-Searson said. “We want to do it on an annual basis where we’re doing role model posters and highlighting the amazing work our band members are doing.”

Those who were recognized as a role model were Seekwun Adams, Montana Campeau, Darcie Dreaver, Austin McKenzie, Darius McKenzie, Jaedon McKenzie, Taryn McKenzie, Sky Nelson, Joseph Ratt and Ryanna Torrance in the youth category; Crystal Eninew, Karen Maxwell, Thomas McKenzie, Edna Mirasty, Tayven Roberts, Wilma Roberts and Danielle Stillborn in the career category;  Jennifer Beatty, Devin Bernatchez, Abel Charles, Leonard Halkett, Sandra Halkett, Travis Hegland, Irwin Hennie, Henry Ratt, Janet Mckenzie, Kristen McKenzie, Wanda T. McKenzie, Shirley Mirasty, Hillard Mirasty, Jody Ratt, Kevin Roberts, Dr. Rose Roberts, Sally Roberts and Joseph Roberts in the community category.

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