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Production underway at Boreal Heartland Forest Products

Jul 24, 2018 | 12:00 PM

Boreal Heartland Forest Products in Air Ronge is currently producing thousands of pounds of dried plant grounds to be sold to companies in western Canada.

That’s according to Keewatin Community Development Association CEO Randy Johns who said he plans on collecting up to 40,000 pounds of fireweed before the end of the year. So far, he’s collected 23,000 pounds of the product, but he’s also been accepting morels, golden rod, Labrador tea and birch leaves. In the next week or so, Johns said he’ll also begin purchasing chanterelles.

“The morel season is pretty much done and we purchased a whole lot of morels from Pelican Narrows,” he said. “After the fire in Pelican, they grew abundantly.”

That’s also the case with fireweed in the La Ronge area as Johns noted the plant was the first to grow after the wildfire in 2015. He said fireweed will likely continue to grow well in the burn region for some time, but he noted eventually the company will need to look elsewhere for it. The fireweed will be sold to a business in Saskatoon, which plans on making an extract to be used in shampoos, skin creams and other products.

Johns also said he hasn’t had any issues finding people to go into the forest, locate the plants and harvest them. Johns noted everyone is instructed how to properly identify which plants to pick, as well as how to pick in a sustainable way. The majority of the money earned from the product, Johns said, goes straight back to northerners and the local economy.

“The money that comes in hits the economy right away,” he said. “There’s a lot of interest. It helps people reconnect with the land again and that’s big for people in the North.”

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