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Josie Searson, right, participated as a Métis elder and veteran. (submitted photo/Jim Searson)
Normandy landings

Veteran returns from 75th anniversary of D-Day ceremonies in France

Jun 11, 2019 | 5:27 PM

Northern Elder Josie Searson is back in Canada after representing Métis Nation – Saskatchewan at the 75th D-Day ceremonies in France.

It was an opportunity Searson, 78, stated she was blessed to take part in as she attended a commemorative service at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, as well as a second service at Juno Beach involving world leaders, veterans and other invited guests. Before participating in the event, Searson added she didn’t know much about D-Day, which occurred June 6, 1944, and is the largest seaborne invasion in history.

“I had a number of relatives who were part of the action out there in those areas in France,” she said. “Three of my uncles were there. One of them was taken prisoner, another one was wounded, but they all managed to come back.”

The Normandy Landings was part of a plan to retake parts of France from Nazi Germany with Sword and Juno Beaches assigned to British forces, Omaha and Utah assigned to the Americans and Juno Beach for the Canadians. Overall, 150,000 allied troops arrived on shore on D-Day including 14,000 Canadians. In total, 359 Canadians died that day with fatalities rising to more than 5,000 by the end of the campaign.

Searson was most impressed by her visit to Vimy Ridge, where a monument stands with all the names of Canadians who were killed during service. Also at the monument are areas fenced off where the land shows scars from World War 2, which Searson found viewing to be impactful.

Josie Searson was in France last week. (submitted photo/Jim Searson)

“You could see the signs where the bombings had taken place,” she said. “It reminded me of big dents here and there – the marking of the land. Just to imagine these poor guys were trudging through all of this serving their country. I think they are to be commended.”

Searson is also a veteran who spent time serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force from 1958-1960. She enlisted in Winnipeg, completed basic training and was posted as a fighter control operator.

Josie Searson, from her time with the RCAF from 1958-1960. (submitted photo/Jim Searson


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