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Christmas Lights (paNOW Staff/ Ronald Quaroni)
Decking The Halls

Christmas lights: hang them with care

Nov 16, 2019 | 8:00 AM

A shift in temperature this weekend is giving holiday decorators a nice window of opportunity to string-up Christmas lights outside.

While climbing a ladder in the manner of Clark Griswold may be the easiest, it’s not the safest.

“You want to make sure first of all, is the surface the ladder is going on free of ice and snow, is it a good solid surface?” Lyle Karasiuk, director of public affairs with Parkland Ambulance explained. “Two, make sure you’re using the right ladder for the right job.”

Karasiuk said often homeowners will try and use equipment that they have on hand, sometimes to their own demise.

“My favourite story and this really did happen several years ago; there was a gentleman who was putting Christmas lights up, he had a step ladder that wasn’t tall enough. He found some pallets and a small table, he piled all of these items on top of each other and got on top of them to hang his lights,” he reminisced.

The story had a happy ending, after climbing onto the roof and realizing his error, the man called 911 and was rescued by emergency crews.

Prince Albert Fire Department’s Deputy Chief Alex Paul is no stranger to ladder safety.

As well as safe placement and correct length, Paul said it’s also important to be mindful of your position while on the ladder.

“Don’t reach off to the side. If the centre of you body needs to go beyond the end of the ladder, you need to re-position your body,” Paul explained. “You want to make sure you have solid contact with the ladder with both hands and feet at all times. It’s a dangerous practice to start carrying things up the ladder with one arm.”

So, as you’re preparing your house for the holiday season do so as carefully as you can.

“We wish you luck in making our city beautiful, but do so smartly,” Lyle Karasiuk said.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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