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The walk began on Elders Road and ended at the courthouse in La Ronge. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
Awareness walk

Family of murder victim trust RCMP will solve case

Aug 19, 2020 | 12:29 PM

The family of 29-year-old Muhammad Venne, who died June 3 after being attacked and sent to hospital with life-threatening injuries, are urging members of the public to share any information they might know about what happened that day.

“If you seen anything, know anything or heard anything, what you can do is go make an official statement to the RCMP,” his sister Shivon Venne said. “People aren’t coming forward, so they can’t build a case on that. They need people who witnessed it to come forward.”

She made the comment shortly before an awareness walk Aug. 19, which began at 10 a.m. at the location where Muhammad Venne was found. The walk started with a prayer, before a group of about 50 people set off through the reserve and toward the courthouse in La Ronge.

Venne noted the purpose of the walk was to raise awareness of the crime and to encourage anyone who could have information to contact the police.

“It’s a form of prayer in hopes these perpetrators come forward and go through the legal system,” she said. “We have a lot of community support and the walk is for praying collectively and collaboratively. Let’s hope that this action can bring about some justice.”

On June 3, police were called to a house along Elders Road in Bell’s Point following a report of a disturbance. Venne was found outside the residence and transported to a hospital by ambulance, but he was pronounced deceased shortly after his arrival. Saskatchewan RCMP Major Crimes Unit North, Prince Albert RCMP, the North Battleford RCMP General Investigation Section and the Prince Albert RCMP Forensic Identification Section have all assisted with the investigation.

The RCMP are still looking to interview individuals who could have information on the case. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)

In an email to larongeNOW, Cpl. Brent Nicol stated La Ronge RCMP is actively investigating and are seeking assistance from the public from anyone who may have witnessed what happened. He added while police can’t comment on specifics of the case, they are still looking to speak with several people who were in the area at the time of Muhammad Venne’s death who would have valuable information to assist the investigation.

“We’re really, really lucky and we’re really grateful that we have a good relationship with Brent Nicol,” Venne said. “We believe Major Crimes is doing the best they can and we’re really grateful for that. I fully trust they are going to get to the bottom of the case.”

Muhammed Venne, who had a son had the time of his death, is remembered by his family for being a wonderful dad. They also recalled his good sense of humour, athleticism and passion for physical fitness.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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