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A new novel by the late Harold Johnson was officially released Tuesday. (Submitted photo/Joan Johnson)
acclaimed writer

New book by late author explores power in story

Oct 11, 2022 | 5:17 PM

“This is his last words to us in this world.”

That’s what Joan Johnson said about the release of her late husband Harold Johnson’s 12th book The Power of Story: On Truth, the Trickster, and New Fictions for a New Era.

It hit shelves on Tuesday, but Johnson explained Harold had been developing the novel in his mind for years before his passing in February 2022.

“Harold was a brilliant man and he was a wonderful storyteller,” she said. “I think that this is his last words to us in this world, so we can look at what we are doing, what we are saying to ourselves, and empowering us to be able to change that. We’re not stuck in one paradigm, we’re not stuck in one storyline. We have the ability to write our own life stories and be able to change, ultimately, what happens in our communities and in the world.”

The setting of the book is at the Johnson cabin at the north end of Montreal Lake. When an interfaith group comes to visit, Harold is approached as an Elder and he speaks the about power of storytelling.

He talks about the role of storytelling in every aspect of human life, from personal identity to history, and the social contracts that structure societies. Harold illustrates how people can direct their potential to re-create and reform not only their own lives but the life everyone shares.

“Harold started talking about it a little bit in Firewater about the power of story,” Johnson said. “About how we can take a look at some of the things that have affected us in our life and be able to change it around a little bit, and not become victims or not be stuck in being a victim but be able to use the story itself to affect change.”

The Power of Story: On Truth, the Trickster, and New Fictions for a New Era is 192 pages. (Biblioasis)

Johnson mentioned an aspect of the book is being able to look back at one’s life at the very end and being OK with what one accomplished. The idea that upon death an individual has made the world a better place.

Harold completed The Power of Story only two weeks before his death. Joan continued with the manuscript until it was published.

Johnson will host a reading of the book on Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. at Saskatoon’s McNally Robinson.

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